Orby For Technology Leaders

As a technology leader, you
must innovate to make your
enterprise better every day

Orby reduces IT burden and backlog by streamlining complex processes, lowering resource demands, and enabling your enterprise to achieve scalable efficiency with ease.

Challenges for tech leaders

In order to drive growth and efficiency across the enterprise, the CIO must continually innovate and implement tools and systems that enable teams to perform at their peak. 

As a technology leader, you’re tasked with driving innovation and implementing systems that empower your teams to excel. But with the constant influx of new productivity tools, managing and integrating these systems can become a significant drain on resources.

Legacy automation solutions often fall short, proving too complex and costly to deliver the efficiency you need at scale. Orby simplifies automation, allowing your enterprise to grow without the burden of resource-heavy solutions, so your teams can focus on what truly matters—driving your business forward.

Customer Highlight

“Orby’s unique AI approach stands poised to revolutionize the very fabric of enterprise, untangling the knots of complex workflows and ushering in a future of unparalleled efficiency.

Bruce Beck, Enterprise Systems CIO

JLL Technologies

Let Orby Help

Reimagine Enterprise Efficiency: Simplify Automation for Scalable Growth

Automate what you cannot automate with legacy solutions.
The Orby solution is purpose-built for enterprise automation, with a patented Large Action Model and Smart Actions, and easily automates more complex processes that are impossible or impractical to automate with rules-based legacy systems. Example use cases include finance & accounting 3 or 4-way matching, GL reconciliation, expense auditing, and claims processing.
Achieve enterprise efficiency at scale quickly without costly and time-consuming development.
Orby uniquely observes, learns, automates, and adapts, quickly generating workflow automations as team members perform their duties, and implementing the automation after a simple user confirmation.  Users have the incredible flexibility to easily edit the workflow with natural language, without having to rely on technical resources.
Evolutionary intelligence with no maintenance.
With each automation execution, the automation improves.  If the model has low confidence in some processes, Orby will solicit user feedback and quickly learn and improve. Orby understands and navigates the UI and completes the tasks like humans, even when the UI changes. No further manual intervention and maintenance is required.